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Spotify Playlists Guide


In today's digital era, streaming is the main method for discovering, listening to, and sharing new music. For musicians, this accessibility enables their tracks to be found by potential fans worldwide. Spotify playlists are one way to connect with new listeners.

These playlists can introduce you to the right audience who might appreciate your music and become dedicated fans. As an independent artist, it's crucial to understand Spotify's workings and how its playlist system can connect you with potential fans.

Nevertheless, the environment on streaming platforms like Spotify is extremely competitive, so merely uploading your song isn't sufficient. Remember that over 100,000 new songs are uploaded to Spotify every day! In this blog, I will explore the various types of Spotify playlists as a tool for discovery to enhance your music's visibility.

Disclaimer: The Problem With Playlisting

 Some people mistakenly believe that getting on the right playlist is all it takes to succeed. Currently, building a profitable business model primarily based on streaming and playlisting is not feasible for most. According to Spotify’s Loud & Clear report in 2023, 50,000 artists (out of over 10 million) earned at least $16.5K from Spotify.

I want to emphasize that playlists serve as tools for exposure and discovery. It's uncommon for even major label artists to sustain a living solely from streaming. As many people now know, streaming services don't compensate artists well. 1,000 streams yield approximately $4 – $6 depending on the platform.

For a musician in the United States, this means a stream is worth about $0.006 per song stream. To earn $12,000, which is considered the lower end of a decent income, you would need 3,000,000 streams a year.

With these low payout rates, you have to look at a Spotify playlisting strategy as a long term investment. If you spend $300 on social media ads to push a song on Spotify or you pay $500 for a playlist pitching service, don’t expect to make that money back in the short term.

These playlisting tactics may pay itself out down the line with a thought out plan, but don’t think of spending money towards Spotify playlisting as a way to profit off your music.

In other words, if you’re not breaking even, it doesn’t mean it’s a total loss. You need to understand the specific benefits of investing in these Spotify tactics and how it fits within your overall goals and marketing plan. It is undeniable that Spotify is a huge component of an artist’s career so I will do my best to show you how to make the most out of with their playlist system.

Why Get On Playlists?

Being featured on a playlist with high activity and many followers can help you reach new audiences unfamiliar with your music. It offers a chance for greater exposure, enhances brand awareness, and builds momentum for your career.

Specifically, being included on playlists can improve your song's performance in algorithms, leading to increased exposure on Spotify in unexpected ways. Playlist inclusion is a key indicator for Spotify. They analyze your song alongside others on the playlist to better identify potential fans of your music. As listeners engage with the playlist, this data is used to recommend your music to other Spotify users.

Your primary aim is to increase your music's audience, correct? Spotify employs listening behavior and engagement metrics in their algorithms to propose songs to listeners with similar tastes. One such metric is the save-to-listener rate.

Different Types of Spotify Playlists

 Understanding the different types of playlists on Spotify, how they work and how to be included in each of them will help your music get more exposure.

There are a total of 4 different types of playlists on Spotify:

  • Algorithmic: Playlists created for a listener based on listening habits.

  • Editorial: Hand-curated playlists from Spotify staff and associates.

  • Personalized: Hybrid between editorial and algorithmic playlists.

  • Listener (User Generated): Playlists made by Spotify listeners.

Getting your music on these different types of playlists requires a different method, which will b cover below.

Algorithmic Playlists

Spotify generates algorithmic playlists using a machine-learning process that is tailored to each individual account. These playlists significantly influence the performance of your song.

Among the various algorithmic playlists available, Release Radar and Discover Weekly are the most crucial.

Release Radar

Release Radar is a carefully curated playlist of new releases, usually highlighting artists that a Spotify user follows. It is updated every Friday and is one of the few times Spotify will notify followers about new releases via email.

In essence, Release Radar aims to offer listeners new music they are likely to enjoy. This playlist is where your Spotify followers will find your new releases, but your songs can also appear in the Release Radar playlists of those who don’t follow you. This depends on your song’s attributes and performance metrics within Spotify's algorithms. One such metric is Spotify’s ‘popularity index’. Reportedly, a score of at least 20 out of 100 is required for your songs to be featured in playlists of non-followers.

It is important to note that songs on Release Radar are relatively new songs. Even though it pushes older releases down your playlist every Friday, you won’t find something released a long time ago in Release Radar.

If you are releasing an EP or album, Spotify will use the song you pitched for their editorial playlist consideration in Release Radar. Otherwise, they will randomly choose one song.

Discover Weekly

As the name of the playlist suggests, Discover Weekly helps Spotify listeners find new artists to check out based on their listening preferences. It is a uniquely generated playlist that is updated every Monday.

However, one of the key features of Discover Weekly is that it only suggests songs that the user has never streamed before. This is the ideal algorithmic playlist to get exposure for new potential fans.

A great thing about Discover Weekly is that the age of a song is not important and does not factor how popular you are as an artist. Although in order for a song to be recommended in a Discovery Weekly playlist, the song needs a popular index score of at least 30 out of 100.

What About Daily Mix?

Daily Mix is an algorithmic playlist available on every Spotify account. Each day, it creates up to six new playlists based on the music you listen to. The songs Spotify suggests here are typically ones you've listened to frequently before or different tracks from the same or closely related artists.

For emerging artists, it's unlikely that your music will appear on Daily Mix playlists, as the recommendations are more selective. I wouldn't concentrate on this algorithmic playlist.

How To Place On An Algorithmic Playlist

The key to getting on algorithmic playlists is having strong engagement metrics like a high popularity score and save-to-listener rate. There are multiple factors that influence Spotify’s algorithm to recommend your songs in their playlists. Learn more about how to improve your song’s performance in Spotify’s algorithmic playlists.

Editorial / Curated Playlists

 Editorial playlists are crafted by Spotify's team and collaborators. These playlists are highly sought after due to their larger audiences and increased visibility on the platform.

There are thousands of playlists covering different genres, moods, themes, sounds, events, situations, locations, and activities. While Spotify doesn't openly acknowledge it, the most popular playlists with numerous followers are effectively dominated by the three major labels, giving independent artists limited opportunities to be featured.

Playlists like “Rap Caviar,” “Hot Country,” “Are & Be,” and “Rock This” are ones you should avoid focusing on. (If any company promises guaranteed placement on these playlists, it’s a scam.)

However, there are smaller editorial playlists that are more niche and specific. This is where you ideally want your song to be featured.

Personalized Playlists

 Personalized playlists are basically editorial playlists, but with an algorithmic component to help “personalize” some of the songs around your music tastes. In essence, we can each access personalized editorial playlists (for example this) in our accounts and encounter different songs chosen algorithmically according to our past listening habits.

According to their data, Spotify discovers that this new system aids in delivering specific songs to listeners who are more inclined to appreciate them. However, it's crucial to understand that if your song is included in one of these playlists, it doesn't ensure that it will appear on everyone's version of their playlist.

Listener/User-Generated Playlists


Spotify users can create their own playlists, known as Listener playlists, and share them with others. There is no limit to the number of playlists a user can create.

Most listener playlists are intended for personal use and may not interest you. However, some music enthusiasts make their playlists public, attracting followers by making them searchable on the platform.

Conversely, some playlists are curated by influencers, tastemakers, or curators with their own audiences. These are the playlists you should seek out. Unfortunately, this has led to a modern payola or "pay-to-play" scenario. Many successful playlists that could be beneficial are often "pay-to-place," which violates Spotify's terms.

How to Get Your Song on Listener Playlists

If you are looking to get your music on other people’s playlists, here’s how you should go about it.

Step 1: Start by searching in Spotify for certain playlists based on genre, mood, theme, activity, emotion, etc. You can even do a Google search.

You can use tools to find specific playlists like and Reddit.

Ideally, you’re looking for playlists that have active listeners and followers that don’t have too many songs because you may not get a stream. A playlist with a few hundred songs may be pushing it.

Step 2: Follow the playlist you are pitching. Make sure it’s the right playlist with the right associated acts, not just because it has big numbers. Trust me, it is detrimental to the algorithm to be associated with acts that are not of your same vibe.

Step 3: Figure out how to contact the playlist owner. This will require some detective work. The only information Spotify provides is their username so search it on Google and other social media outlets until you can find a way to directly email or message them.

Luckily, there is a free tool you can use that will share the contact information of Spotify playlisters based on any genre or keywords you provide. It’s called Playlister by DistroKid. It’s currently in beta as of this writing, so you’ll need to enter the password “gravy” to use it. Hopefully, this tool sticks around as it makes the pitching process much easier.

Step 4: Pitch them. Start with a compliment. Keep it short and to the point. Include a Spotify link to the song. Be authentic.

You have to remember that the reason most users create playlists is to share their favorite music. It is part of their identity and is a blessing that they wish to share new artists with the world at no personal gain.

Even if your goal is to ultimately get their followers to see you, you have to be as authentic as possible in your intentions and figure out ways you can also help them.

Ultimately, if they like your music, they will want to help. But the way you approach them will take them to decide if you are for real or just trying to get something from them.

Step 5: Once you get placed, make sure to send an email thanking your curator, as well as sharing on social media. Developing a good relationship with the people who support you is always a good idea.

For DistroKid users, here’s a fun Spotify playlist called “Wheel of Playlist” where you can add your songs to by spinning a wheel. Log into your DistroKid account and click the link.

Select a song and click ‘connect to Spotify’ to begin. You have 3 chances to spin for your song's playlist position. It will be added right away, but you can only spin once every 24 hours. Although there are over 50,000 followers, it's not something to take too seriously since the playlist has over 1,000 songs, and you'll be fortunate to remain on it for a few days.

To be featured on more popular listener playlists, you need to build your own audience and following. This requires time, but with a consistent strategy that allows you to release music regularly and promote songs through social media ads, your numbers will certainly increase.

Using Playlist Pitching Services

If pitching individual playlists seems tedious to you, consider hiring a playlisting service to handle it. These services often have extensive networks of vetted playlisters. They’ve done the groundwork, and you can pay them to contact these playlisters on your behalf. Note that the payment is not for the playlist owners themselves, as this would violate Spotify's terms, so be mindful of that.

There are reputable playlisting services available, but many unscrupulous individuals are ready to exploit unsuspecting musicians. Exercise caution and thoroughly research these services. The music promotion industry is rife with scams and exploitation.

Conduct thorough research, as testimonials and client lists can be fabricated. Examine the genres they specialize in, along with their various packages and pricing. Be prepared to invest over $500 if you want a significant and beneficial impact, rather than just increasing your numbers.

Some other pointers:

  • Be careful about people saying they can guarantee placement on.

  • Editorial playlists. They can’t guarantee that.

  • Beware of bots and click farms that boost your numbers overnight.

  • If Spotify detects any unusual behaviors or finds out you’re trying to game their platform, you may risk getting your music removed.

  • Find out which countries are most listeners coming from in a playlist. Listeners from countries like Saudi Arabia, Haiti, or Argentina are more likely to end up being click farmers.

  • Never purchase those “10,000 follows for $10” deals. They are a scam and will hurt your algorithm.

How To Track Playlist Performance (Playlist Tools)


Spotify for Artists

If you haven’t already, sign up for Spotify for Artists to claim control of your artist profile. You don’t need it to get added to playlists, but it gives you access to certain tools and playlist data.mYou can see who added your songs to their playlists in your Spotify for Artist profile under ‘Music’ – ‘Playlists’.

You can view which playlists include your song, the date it was added, the number of playlist listeners, and the streams generated from there. The playlists are sorted by type: Algorithmic, Editorial, and Listener.

You can also see all the playlists featuring your song. In the ‘Songs’ tab, select a specific song, and you'll find a ‘Playlist’ tab next to the ‘Stats’ tab.

Advanced Playlist Tools (Paid)

Looking for my data and tools to help you with playlisting? Here are some other powerful tools that can help you:

  • Monitor all the playlists your songs are on

  • See what playlists other similar artists are on

  • Find new potential playlists to pitch your songs to

  • Access more relevant playlist and curator data to help you make better decisions

SpotOnTrack – They only offer a 14-day trial. Otherwise, you have to pay a pro or business plan to use.

PlaylistSupply – They charge $19.99 a month.

Chartmetric – You get a 7 day trial of a premium plan for signing up. They do offer a free basic plan with limited functionality. 

Keep Expectations In Check

 Getting your music on playlists can have a positive impact on your music career, but don’t expect miracles. One of the biggest issues I’ve found with emerging artists is that desire to “make it” can easily be shadowed by impatience. This can lead to bad investment decisions around time and money. Expecting playlists will lead you to overnight success is going to actually lead to more disappointment.

There have been some stories over the years of how one song gets added to a popular playlist changed a musician’s life. Although it can happen, it’s very unlikely.

Don’t pay insane amounts of money for “successful” playlists just to be featured. In the long run, there is not much retribution for that.

Keep in mind that there are numerous playlist factors to consider even if you secure placement:

What kind of music or theme does the playlist feature? You shouldn't just add your songs to any playlist. The other tracks in the playlist are important and can influence your song's performance on Spotify. While it is the playlister's responsibility, including a song that doesn't fit the playlist's vibe may result in higher skip rates.

Are the playlist followers engaged? Is the playlist active with listeners? If the playlist lacks active listeners or is filled with fake followers, placement won't benefit you.

How often does the playlist update? This is a sign of an active playlister which means the followers are more likely to be active and engaged.

How many songs are on the playlist? You may get added to a playlist with a bunch of followers, but if there are hundreds of songs and you’re at the bottom, you can’t expect action much from it.

Do you do background music?

If you focus heavily on instrumental or background music (such as study music), you might receive streams, but listeners seldom engage with or explore the artist behind utility-based music.

Finally, ensure your Spotify artist profile is well-optimized. If you feature something unique on a playlist, it will naturally draw people to discover who you are and encourage them to learn more about you. To strengthen that fan connection, ensure you leave a positive impression when they visit your profile. 

New Spotify Features for Improving Discoverability

As of early 2023, Spotify is currently testing a new feature with select users called “Discovery Mode.” It’s a new marketing tool that helps artists gain new listeners, playlist adds and followers on Spotify at no upfront cost.

The way it works is you select a song from your catalog to create a Discovery Mode campaign and set a campaign length. During this campaign period, the Spotify algorithms will push your track to areas on Spotify that listeners are most open to discovery, which is currently Radio & Autoplay. According to Spotify, their statistical modeling shows that artists see on average +50% in saves, +44% in user playlist adds and +37% in follows during the first month of using Discovery Mode.

Instead of having to pay out of pocket, Spotify charges a 30% commission on the recording royalties generated from all streams in Radio and Autoplay of the song you selected. All other streams of the song in areas outside of Radio and Autoplay will be commission-free.

Although this feature is still in beta testing, it’s a nice feature to have if you’re looking for new fans and you don’t have a budget.

My Recommendation

If you have a few hundred to spend for promotion, create your own listener playlist and place your single on top. You can fill the other songs on the playlist with your own music and songs from other similar-sounding artists. Ideally, you want to choose songs from more popular artists who are more likely to share the same fans like you.

You can then drive traffic to this playlist through your ads to get people listening to these specific songs. This will do two things for you:

First, it will help you get followers for you and your playlist to establish a connection point for future releases.

Second, by placing your songs in playlists with other music similar to yours, Spotify uses this data to draw connections and better assess who would like your music. It is more likely that Spotify would recommend your music in their algorithmic playlists when a listener is a fan of these other similar artists.

Don’t forget to pin this playlist to the top of your artist profile with Artist’s Pick so it’s more visible. You can do this in Spotify for Artists by clicking on the ‘Profile’ tab.

Other Spotify Tips

  • Getting to the chorus earlier or placing it at the beginning of the song since it’s what tends to hook listeners.

  • Avoid uploading and pitching songs with very long intros. Consider breaking up the long intro into a separate track.

  • Shorter songs are more optimal in today’s streaming world because a 2-minute song pays out the same as a 5-minute song. A stream is counted if a song is listened to for 30 seconds or more. This is not to say you should compromise artistry to intentionally make shorter songs either.

  • Nothing wrong with explicit lyrics (make sure to properly label it when uploading to your distributor), but understand it can limit the playlist potential of your song.

  • Don’t try to game the system by having people listen to one song on repeat as they will penalize.

Use Additional Music Promotion to Make a Name

You need to present your music to the world and increase engagement to make your music recognized. If you choose to incorporate paid promotion to boost organic engagement, 94.2 Blazin Marketing and Promotional Support team offers a service to elevate your online music presence.

Achieving visibility is best accomplished by being featuring in articles, getting interviews, and various media platforms. Our promotion campaign packages is designed specifically as your one stop shop, by offering you the most optimal reach by combining multiple platform together.

A combination of paid services and paid promotion is a great power-up for your music. When you optimize your profile, receive verification marks, and add a high-quality promotion, you will blow the whole platform and see your songs in various charts, including daily and weekly playlists!


 Spotify playlists offer numerous opportunities for discovery, enabling you to gain more exposure and attract new fans to your music. The variety of playlists available on Spotify makes it a more appealing streaming platform for musicians compared to its competitors.

Your best strategy is to concentrate on influencing algorithmic playlists to present your songs to the right audience. Be sure to utilize the save-to-listener rate and other engagement metrics to enhance your song’s performance within Spotify’s algorithms.

Additionally, take advantage of Spotify’s editorial playlist submissions, as they are free.

If you’re just starting out, the most cost-effective and time-efficient option is to use a service like SubmitHub or Groover to get your songs featured on Spotify playlists.

While playlisting is beneficial as a discovery tool, it shouldn’t be your sole marketing or promotional strategy. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a playlist pitching service, you might find greater value in investing that money in Facebook or Instagram ads.



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© 2023 by TY. Powered and secured by Blazin 94.2

94.2 Blazin is making a strategic move to better market, promote, support and network independent artists and their music!  Our station is shifting gears from mainstream music to an all independent / unsigned user-submitted playlist format.


This exciting transition allow us to give our listeners the opportunity to hear more music from non-commercial artists and fully become a media outlet for independent talent. So they can gain more exposure to music enthusiasts everywhere. But it doesn't stop there!


We're all about proving opportunities for independent talent to showcase their work and to be heard. We enjoy having conversations on-air with these talented artists,who give us and our listeners the time to connect and relate with the faces and stories behind the music. Allowing us all, to become fans

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